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Healing of the Mind

By John Thiel, mp3

Scripture reading: Psalm 147:1 Praise ye the LORD: for [it is] good to sing praises unto our God; for [it is] pleasant; [and] praise is comely. 2 The LORD doth build up Jerusalem: he gathereth together the outcasts of Israel. 3 He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.

There is a call for praising God. It is good to sing praises unto our God. Why? Because He gathers the outcasts of Israel. Don’t we feel that way? He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. We want to understand what God is prepared to do for the outcasts of Israel. Small in number that we may find ourselves in as outcasts, we may still have precious answers from the Lord to bind up our wounds and heal our minds. The description of the time in which we live is often not taken note of. Jesus describes it:

Luke 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. 25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

This description is often looked upon as something terrible in the future, but the time of the Gentiles has not come to its fulfilment, because Jerusalem would be trodden until that time. Now Jerusalem has been restored to the Israelis. They have control over Jerusalem again. But at this time, after the signs in the sun, moon and stars, which we know took place in the time of the early pioneers of Adventism, there is distress of nations, with perplexities. This threat began in 1848 when a European war was threatening to break out, but that was staved. Then there was a period of time during which the messages of the three angels could be presented, until the First World War. The distress of nations was beginning to take place, and the sea and the waves were roaring, catastrophes were taking place across the planet. Men’s hearts were failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth. Since the First and the Second World Wars, and especially after the second, with the fear of another war and of the terrible destructive forces of nature, everything has been in the minds of the people; their hearts are failing them for fear of the things that are coming on this planet. And the result of the two world wars is something which society has been bleeding over ever since that time. The post-traumatic stress disorder has been taking place, and I can testify of it, having seen it in my father after the war. The terrible consequences of how it affects the families, this is all what is written of in these words. Then the description of our time continues:

Isaiah 8:22 And they shall look unto the earth; and behold trouble and darkness, dimness of anguish; and [they shall be] driven to darkness.

This kind of darkness is a mental, spiritual darkness. The world is full of people who are in this condition; and those who are trying to keep their heads above this darkness, are finding the darkness oppressive and they are finding it hard to conquer it. There are counsellings behind undertaken to help people out of darkness. It’s so thick around us today. The consequences of a world that is heading directly into destruction are all around us, and you and I have all been victims of it to some degree or another. The mental darkness that brings people to distraction is here expressed again. Even in the spiritual realm, people are not sure what is truth anymore; it’s darkness.

Isaiah 60:2 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people:

This is the condition which surrounds us today. And those of us who are living in the free world, it’s very hard for us to acknowledge. But then, if we examine closely, yes, we are surrounded by gross darkness. Some of the darkness that Jesus speaks about is the darkness where you think you know when really you don’t know at all. Those of you, He says, who think they know, but the light that is in you is darkness, then how great is that darkness. People think they have it. The Laodicean condition, for instance, they don’t know at what they’re stumbling.

Romans 3:16 Destruction and misery [are] in their ways: 17 And the way of peace have they not known: 18 There is no fear of God before their eyes.

How true this is.

End-time Experience

William Miller, at the time of his discovery of the events constituting the truth for the last days, was actually someone who had fought in the Civil War in America, and at that time he was very much in perplexity in that part of the world. He describes the dilemma which was his:

“Annihilation was a cold and chilling thought, and accountability was sure destruction to all. The heavens were as brass over my head, and the earth as iron under my feet. Eternity–what was it? And death–why was it? The more I reasoned, the further I was from demonstration. The more I thought, the more scattered were my conclusions. I tried to stop thinking, but my thoughts would not be controlled. I was truly wretched, but did not understand the cause. I murmured and complained, but knew not of whom. I knew that there was a wrong, but knew not how or where to find the right. I mourned, but without hope.” {GC 318.2} 

Isn’t that the exact description of the darkness? Gross darkness with no answers. These words are the subconscious realisation of multitudes on this planet. How much of this experience do we know of in our own life? Are we suffering from the inroads of the times in which we live? As we look back, has our mind been damaged by some severe trauma in our life, as children growing up? My own father came back from Russian prison-camp and there was trauma, both in him and in the family, because of it. But his own life was itself affected by his father who had been an alcoholic; and there was trauma in the home. The mind is traumatised by the circumstances of our life ever since the traumatic experiences of 1848 onwards. Do we have emotional scars that play havoc with us, that destroy peaceful sleeping at night time?

William Miller tried to stop thinking, but he couldn’t control his thoughts. Does that happen to us? Do you find difficulty in seeing anything good in humanity around you? It is because we have been unfailingly let down. As we look at our experiences, we thought we had found a good experience, and then it fell down in front of us; it melted away into misery again. Then the next thing comes up and we think, Good, now we found it! and then that folds up as well. And it goes on and on and there is something inside of our mind that says, You can’t trust anything anymore. It’s all going to fail on us. And we feel deeply hurt inside of ourselves that what I was hoping would bring me happiness melted away in misery. These deep-down hurts cannot be shaken off. Do we need healing of mind?

The words of Psalm 147 impart us with a hope. It gives us hope that God comes and heals the broken-hearted. We are broken-hearted for many different reasons, and for us who have a belief in God, we are even broken-hearted about our sins and mistakes. I know in my conversation with several of us, that we can’t forgive ourselves for the mistakes we’ve made. We are perfectionists, we want everything that we do to be perfect, but we fail, and we can’t forgive ourselves. Our sins want to overwhelm us. Is there hope? This is our study.

As disasters, that we are all affected by, are thick around us, it requires counselling. This is why we have so many counsellors today to help people through the misery of their experiences, to help them cope. Does not our God have the skill to heal and protect our psychological affairs, to really come with healing upon our mind?

Psalm 147:3 He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.

Their griefs. When you have a physical wound, it hurts badly, but it’s not as bad, as severe, as a mental or an emotional wound. These hurt much deeper and you can’t handle them as well. They cannot be bound up by physical ointment or soothing treatment of lint. Modern medicine uses psychology and chemicals to suppress mental trauma. But these fail because they have terrible side effects; and they don’t really heal, all they do is suppress the trauma. But God is the one who can reach in and touch the true sources of suffering, and He can heal.

What are the steps by which my trauma can be completely healed and I can be perfectly at peace inside of myself? How can I sleep at night without worry, without being unable to control my thoughts? In our daily life, with the perplexities that we meet and that loom up ahead of us, we can feel all sorts of doubts because of the reasoning of the corruptions and problems around us. We need answers to deal with all these things as we go on into the future, because there are going to be more. There will be more of these kinds of experiences that want to oppress and destroy us. We need balm for our mind, a healing of the mind.

The first and most important element by which we are to find healing, is to believe in the One who offers us that healing. If I don’t believe in Him, I can’t get help from Him.

In this state he [William Miller] continued for some months. “Suddenly,” he says, “the character of a Saviour was vividly impressed upon my mind. It seemed that there might be a being so good and compassionate as to himself atone for our transgressions, and thereby save us from suffering the penalty of sin. I immediately felt how lovely such a being must be, and imagined that I could cast myself into the arms of, and trust in the mercy of, such a one. But the question arose, How can it be proved that such a being does exist? Aside from the Bible, I found that I could get no evidence of the existence of such a Saviour, or even of a future state. . . . {GC 319.1} 

“I saw that the Bible did bring to view just such a Saviour as I needed; {GC 319.2}

William Miller discovered someone who could heal his mind to believe in Him. We, like him, need this discovery of a perfect trustworthy being who is able to give me the answers to all my perplexities; such a being that can heal my broken heart and my mental and emotional wounds.

Malachi 4:2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.

A beautiful imagery: the calf has no worries; it is being fed – you grow up without any worries. Here is the beautiful application of someone who arises with healing. We may have a discovery of a thought, My wounds and my mind trauma, my scar tissue, my personal background suffering, there is someone who can heal me of all those.

I immediately felt how lovely such a being must be, and imagined that I could cast myself into the arms of, and trust in the mercy of, such a one. {GC 319.1} 

I could cast myself, if I could have someone like that to really believe in Him and trust Him that He will never let me down. If we will embrace this Jesus, who is the one with healing in His wings, and perfectly and affectionately relate with Him, what must we then do to continue to let Him do the healing? If there was such a person that I could completely release myself in of all my internal incongruences, anxieties and perplexities that well up inside of me, this is what I should do:

Psalm 37:4 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. 5 Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring [it] to pass. 6 And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday.

This is the most important part:

Psalm 37:7 Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.

As you see people around you bringing wicked devices to pass, as you see the politics of the world (and we know where it’s all heading), don’t fret. Don’t fret because of what they will do to you at all. Don’t look at any of that. Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. Let self be completely poured out into Him in entire trust.

The Paralytic

These are important counsels for dealing with the perplexities and the wounds and the thought activities of our life. We have an example from whom we can learn this entire trust that we need to have. It was the man who was let down on his bed from the roof of a house where Jesus was preaching. The roof was opened up and down came this paraplegic, this person who was completely immobilised, and his perplexed mind was of such a nature as is here described:

The Saviour looked upon the mournful countenance and saw the pleading eyes fixed upon Him. Well He knew the longing of that burdened soul. It was Christ who had brought conviction to his conscience when he was yet at home. When he repented of his sins and believed in the power of Jesus to make him whole, the mercy of the Saviour had blessed his heart. {MH 75.2}

This was a person who had already been reached out to by Jesus Christ, but he was sick, he couldn’t move; he needed help, healing. So those mournful eyes were looking to Him.

Jesus had watched the first glimmer of faith grow into a conviction that He was the sinner’s only helper, and had seen it grow stronger with every effort to come into His presence. {MH 75.2}

He determined, in his broken condition, to get into the presence of Jesus.

It was Christ who had drawn the sufferer to Himself. Now, in words that fell like music on the listener’s ear, the Saviour said, “Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.” Matthew 9:2.{MH 75.2}

The burden of guilt rolls from the sick man’s soul. He cannot doubt. {MH 76.1} 

Can you see what God does? He takes us through experiences where we still doubt and where we have our perplexities, and then He demonstrates to us by His wonderful word and interventions that we can’t doubt anymore; we can trust Him implicitly. But this must be our experience; this must not be just in words that I can trust Him, I must trust Him, He works to help me to trust Him. And as I trust Him because He has demonstrated His goodness to me, like He did to the paralytic,

Christ’s words reveal His power to read the heart. {MH 76.1} 

God shows us, I can read your heart. Then I think, Oh, He knows me, He loves me.

Hope takes the place of despair, and joy of oppressive gloom. The man’s physical pain is gone, and his whole being is transformed. Making no further request, he lay in peaceful silence, too happy for words. {MH 76.1} 

When we are sick and perplexed, we find that things are not released in us; but when we trust and we open our ears to this great Healer, we lay back and there is release. There is perfect peace. I can’t even feel my pains anymore. This is what the beauty of perfect trust creates. Making no further request – there is perfect rest. This is what God wants us to do, and entirely so. To trust Him.

Now that I trust Him, that I am released from my mental trauma, next comes another part that I must do. It’s nice to just lie back as this man did. No more request, he just lay back in his bed and stayed there. How many times we come to the point where we are saying, Yes, it’s wonderful, just to lie upon the bosom of the Lord. I’m recovered to some degree, but I still need more. What is the next thing to do? You act on the beautiful counsel of the Physician, and arrange your life in obedience to the kind of counsel that God gives us. In the story of this man, he was lying there, relieved, but there is something else needed.

Many were watching with breathless interest every movement in this strange transaction. Many felt that Christ’s words were an invitation to them. Were they not soul-sick because of sin? Were they not anxious to be freed from this burden? {MH 76.2}

But the Pharisees, fearful of losing their influence with the multitude, said in their hearts, “He blasphemeth: who can forgive sins but One, even God?” Mark 2:7, R.V. {MH 76.3}

Fixing His glance upon them, beneath which they cowered and drew back, Jesus said, “Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts? For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and walk? But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins,” He said, turning to the paralytic, “Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.” Matthew 9:4-6. {MH 76.4}

Then he who had been borne on a litter to Jesus rose to his feet with the elasticity and strength of youth. And immediately he “took up the bed, and went forth before them all; insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, We never saw it on this fashion.” Mark 2:12. {MH 77.1}

To be healed, to be released from stress and trauma of mind, is only just a portion. God wants to do more than that. He gives instruction, He says to this man, Take up your bed and walk. He had to do what God said. And that is exactly what we have to do if we are going to continue to be recovered with healing from His wings.

The Invalid

There was another occasion where another man was lying at the pool of Bethesda. He looks at this man, who was expecting for somebody to lead him into the water to be healed, and when Jesus said to him, Do you want to be healed? He said, I’ve got nobody to help me into the water.

The sick man was lying on his mat and occasionally lifting his head to gaze at the pool, when a tender, compassionate face bent over him, and the words, “Wilt thou be made whole?” arrested his attention. Hope came to his heart. He felt that in some way he was to have help. But the glow of encouragement soon faded. He remembered how often he had tried to reach the pool, and now he had little prospect of living till it should again be troubled. He turned away wearily, saying, “Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me.” {MH 83.1}

There are so many different ways that we have sought for healing and it has failed. We haven’t been able to get that perfect healing. We’ve looked for it, and then the Lord comes and says to us, Do you want to be made whole? And we think, Yes, well, that’d be lovely, but all my past experiences didn’t work. I’m still suffering. What did this man have to do?

Jesus bids him, “Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.” With a new hope the sick man looks upon Jesus. The expression of His countenance, the tones of His voice, are like no other. Love and power seem to breathe from His very presence. The cripple’s faith takes hold upon Christ’s word. Without question he sets his will to obey, and, as he does this, his whole body responds. {MH 84.1}

Can you see something that gives us the other step we need to continue to recover from all of our traumas? We are to act on what God says, not only bask in the wonderful promise, but act, as this man did.

Every nerve and muscle thrills with new life, and healthful action comes to his crippled limbs. Springing to his feet, he goes on his way with firm, free step, praising God and rejoicing in his new-found strength. {MH 84.2} 

Jesus had given the palsied man no assurance of divine help. The man might have said, “Lord, if Thou wilt make me whole, I will obey Thy word.” {MH 84.3}

Can you get the picture? “If You will do something, then I will obey.” That is not the way to find healing and recovery.

He might have stopped to doubt, and thus have lost his one chance of healing. But no, he believed Christ’s word, believed that he was made whole; immediately he made the effort, and God gave him the power; he willed to walk, and he did walk. Acting on the word of Christ, he was made whole. {MH 84.3}

My heart thrills at reading these words, because I know by experience how real this is. I’ve read this statement many years in the past already, but when my time came of suffering not only the struggles of a troubled mind but a heart condition, I had to practise with regards to my heart condition exactly what I had learned from those words. I trusted and believed that God would heal my heart, but it didn’t happen immediately. It took a period of years for my heart to recover so fully. My trust in the Lord was already there, and I didn’t trust in the doctors; I didn’t go and get a pacemaker put in my chest. I just trusted that the Lord was going to help me, and even the thoughts of His wonderful comfort was so beautiful to me that I just had to go forward now and believe on what He was saying He would do and that I should go ahead and continue to serve Him. And as I did, step by step I could feel improvement in my heart.

I Will Give You Peace

By sin we have been severed from the life of God. Our souls are palsied. Of ourselves we are no more capable of living a holy life than was the impotent man capable of walking. Many realize their helplessness; they are longing for that spiritual life which will bring them into harmony with God, and are striving to obtain it. But in vain. In despair they cry, “O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from this body of death?” Romans 7:24, margin. Let these desponding, struggling ones look up. The Saviour is bending over the purchase of His blood, saying with inexpressible tenderness and pity, “Wilt thou be made whole?” He bids you arise in health and peace. Do not wait to feel that you are made whole. Believe the Saviour’s word. Put your will on the side of Christ. Will to serve Him, and in acting upon His word you will receive strength. Whatever may be the evil practice, the master passion which through long indulgence binds both soul and body, Christ is able and longs to deliver. He will impart life to the soul that is “dead in trespasses.” Ephesians 2:1. He will set free the captive that is held by weakness and misfortune and the chains of sin.  {MH 84.4}

The sense of sin has poisoned the springs of life. But Christ says, “I will take your sins; I will give you peace. I have bought you with My blood. {MH 85.1}

We have nothing but sinful backgrounds to look at, haven’t we? You look back at your life and you think, What have I done? And these kinds of things keep on playing at our minds. But to actually take hold of this precious gift of Jesus is to act on it and say, No more will I suffer under this trauma of my past. I am set free; I believe it, and I will move and act upon what God is saying and telling me to do.

To every stricken one, Jesus comes with the ministry of healing. The life of bereavement, pain, and suffering may be brightened by precious revealings of His presence. {MB 12.1} 

God would not have us remain pressed down by dumb sorrow, with sore and breaking hearts. He would have us look up and behold His dear face of love. The blessed Saviour stands by many whose eyes are so blinded by tears that they do not discern Him. He longs to clasp our hands, to have us look to Him in simple faith, permitting Him to guide us. His heart is open to our griefs, our sorrows, and our trials. He has loved us with an everlasting love and with loving-kindness compassed us about. We may keep the heart stayed upon Him and meditate upon His loving-kindness all the day. He will lift the soul above the daily sorrow and perplexity, into a realm of peace. {MB 12.2}

We are given here wonderful answers to all of our perplexities. I marvel that our human nature is such that we permit ourselves to go back down the path of trouble-mindedness so quickly. But if we take to heart what our soul is longing for, and knowing that God is the one who has already proven Himself to us – like for the man who was let down from the roof, he was already being drawn by Christ by the very fact that he came there to the house where Christ was preaching – so we come to God, we come so far, but we need more than just that. We need to respond to every touch of His presence in our life.

After we have done what God says and we have been restored and we feel better, is that the end of our exercise? My heart was healed; but I can still feel that if I don’t remain closely in touch with the Lord, I get little twigs of the same thing that gave me such trouble in the beginning. The counsel to be free of hurts and wounds and to stay on the path of recovery is found in the followings words.

Rejoicing Still

Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord [not once,] alway: [and] again I say, Rejoice. 5 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord [is] at hand.

The Lord has helped me, He has healed me so far; now I must stay in a healed and positive condition of mind, and not worry about anything.

Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing;

Don’t be so minded that something would burden you again. Is that easy in the world in which we live today? There are so many perplexities around us. Don’t worry about it. What are you to do about it?

Philippians 4:6 …but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Yes, these perplexities around us are going to affect me, but I am not to worry, yet I am supposed to do something. Pray about it. Tell God about it, with supplication and thanksgiving. Request God to deal with the problem. And haven’t we found wonderful help when we do that? What will happen? As the continuing circumstances are around us to oppress us, and we do this,

Philippians 4:7 …the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

These are practical counsels that are imperative for us to stay healed and to be free of the scar tissues that still want to affect us (because our body is still sinful flesh). The effect of our past life is imbedded in our flesh and it will want to come and overpower us again. But it is God who continually must send His healing rays upon us. Therefore this is the instruction. The peace of God that passes understanding must continue to be operative in us; otherwise we will begin to fold up again.

Don’t Think About It

This is now the most important scripture which is going to be the medicine that arises with healing in its wings:

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things.

This is what we must obey. There again I see us and all those around me folding up by not obeying this. We are to think positive thoughts. Oh yes, I might be thinking of something that is true; but is it simultaneously lovely? You know, people have counselled with me sometimes and they’ve said, But it’s true! alluding to this negativity that they were talking to me about. It’s true! It’s really negative! Look at this and look at that! Yes, it’s true, but is it lovely? Is it of good report? Well, don’t think about it. Don’t think about it. Think only on those things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, of virtue, of praise. Whatever you look at and think, it must encompass the entirety of that verse together as one complete scenario of meditation. If there is anything that is not pure about it, don’t even think. Throw it out, because it’s going take away our peace. It’s going to cause internal friction, and it’s going to cause disease. It’s going to bring back the terrible trauma of my past. Don’t think about it. This is the counsel of the Lord. We don’t need to go to counsellors; it’s here. It’s all there for us to practise, to obey what God is saying.

As soon as anything negative come to your mind, don’t permit it to stay there. It is the Physician of the mind that is speaking here. This is the remedy – in verse 8. Practise it. Guard carefully your peace of mind by gazing and hearing and obeying the One who heals us. To prevent the return of disease we must stay our mind and occupy our mind only with what is written here in verse 8.

The moment the eye is turned from Jesus, darkness is seen, darkness is felt, for Jesus only is light and life and peace and assurance forever. {TMK 190.2} 

We are living in darkness. The moment I take my eyes off, I am in darkness, just like Apostle Peter when he was walking on the troubled sea. It was troublous around him; he was looking at Jesus and he was walking on top of it, but the moment he took his eyes off Him and looked at the wave, his heart failed him and down he went. We are to walk in this troubled time of earth’s history with our eyes focused on Jesus, and we can walk above it all. We don’t have to go into the thoughts of the darkness.

“If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light” (Matthew 6:22). . . . What is it to have a single eye? It is to have a disposition to look upon Christ, for by beholding we become changed from glory to glory, from character to character. {TMK 190.2} 

Isn’t that our healing developing?

As we keep Christ in view, the bright rays of the Sun of Righteousness shine upon us and flood the chambers of the mind and heart and fill the soul temple with light. … The soul that is stayed upon God commits to Christ all that perplexes, all that annoys, all that gives anxiety. {TMK 190.3}

All the things that come our way that are not perfectly good, I will commit to Christ, everything that perplexes. Can you see what happens? There is no more stress inside of me that creates disease. There is no more stress that will bring back what is recorded in the sinful flesh. It’s just left dormant. This is so different to the counsels that are given in the world. They keep on trying to bring back to you all the trauma of the past, and then they haven’t got the answers to deal with the trauma of the past, so people get worse because of that. But we are told, No, no, don’t even think about it. Don’t even bring it back to your memory. Walk above it, by looking to Jesus, by thinking only of Him.

Focusing on Jesus

That is exactly what we are told to do in Steps to Christ, and our big problem is that Satan tries to get us to think back on the wrong thought-patterns.

When the mind dwells upon self, it is turned away from Christ, the source of strength and life. {SC 71.2}

He is the One who rises with healing in His wings. If I need healing (and I need it all day long, I need the medicine all the time), then I have to keep my mind focused on Him. Christ is the source of strength and life, and if my mind is not dwelling on Him, but on self, down I go.

Hence it is Satan’s constant effort to keep the attention diverted from the Saviour and thus prevent the union and communion of the soul with Christ. {SC 71.2}

What will he do?

The pleasures of the world, life’s cares and perplexities and sorrows, the faults of others, or your own faults and imperfections–to any or all of these he will seek to divert the mind. {SC 71.2}

This is contrary to Philippians 4:8. He will get us to do that, to think about the perplexities, the cares, the sorrows. As I’ve been healed and I’ve been helped in this situation, I now look to the future and I think, Ohh… what’s going to happen then? Don’t do it. Don’t do it, just don’t look there; look to Jesus, and the Lord will help us through every step along the way. He arises with healing in His wings.

Do not be misled by his devices. Many who are really conscientious, and who desire to live for God, he too often leads to dwell upon their own faults and weaknesses, {SC 71.2}

You see, those faults and weaknesses are true, aren’t they? And I have to be honest with myself, I have those faults. Well, it might be true, it might be honest, but it’s not of good report, so don’t think about it. We are really conscientious and we start looking at the truth of our condition,

…and thus by separating them from Christ he hopes to gain the victory. We should not make self the center and indulge anxiety and fear as to whether we shall be saved. All this turns the soul away from the Source of our strength. Commit the keeping of your soul to God, and trust in Him. Talk and think of Jesus. Let self be lost in Him. Put away all doubt; dismiss your fears. {SC 71.2}

You can do it because you’ve already experienced the loving gaze of Jesus upon you. We’ve already seen that He is trustworthy, so what are we doing by permitting negatives to come in again? Do what He says.

And if we refuse to do what is being said here, then mind disease and depression will set back in again; and it’s even a worst one then because I had a good experience before, and now I’ve lost it… It makes it even worse. So let us not refuse; because that’s what it boils down to. You can occupy your mind so much with the negatives that are real around you, and refuse to look away from that. God wants us to not refuse, so that He can continue to keep us healthy.

Our compassionate Saviour has comforted us with His beautiful word, and He says, Do you wish to be made whole? And we coincide with William Miller’s expression, Oh, it would be lovely to find that beautiful repose; we become comforted with the thought, we cling to Him because that is where our help comes from, and we don’t let Him go, we hold on to that with all our might. That is the secret.

We are not to let the future, with its hard problems, its unsatisfying prospects, make our hearts faint, our knees tremble, our hands hang down. {MH 248.2} 

We look into the future and we think, Ohh, there are still problems ahead. They’re going to get worse, aren’t they? We are not to let the future with its problems make our hearts faint and our knees to tremble.

“Let him take hold of My strength,” says the Mighty One, “that he may make peace with Me; and he shall make peace with Me.” Isaiah 27:5. Those who surrender their lives to His guidance and to His service will never be placed in a position for which He has not made provision. {MH 248.2} 


Whatever our situation, if we are doers of His word, we have a Guide to direct our way; whatever our perplexity, we have a sure Counselor; whatever our sorrow, bereavement, or loneliness, we have a sympathizing Friend. {MH 248.2} 

If in our ignorance we make missteps, the Saviour does not forsake us. {MH 249.1}

Get that one. If I make missteps, Now I’ve known better but I’ve made a misstep! Does He forsake me? No.

We need never feel that we are alone. {MH 249.1}

Isn’t that our danger? “I’ve known better, I should have known better, but look, I’ve done it again. I know I’ve got no hope now.” No.

Angels are our companions. The Comforter that Christ promised to send in His name abides with us. In the way that leads to the City of God there are no difficulties which those who trust in Him may not overcome. {MH 249.1}

Even the difficulty of having sinned again. If you make a misstep, the Saviour does not forsake you.

There are no dangers which they may not escape. There is not a sorrow, not a grievance, not a human weakness, for which He has not provided a remedy. {MH 249.1}

None need abandon themselves to discouragement and despair. {MH 249.2}

I hope and trust that what we have examined closely in God’s word we will reapply, and that we will find courage and strength and turn away the thoughts from anything that destabilises us or brings darkness to us, but practise what we have been here studying. This is our remedy. This is the healing that God provides for us. May God remind us constantly of this. As soon as we find another negative thought, another feeling that wants to overwhelm us, don’t think. But to run away from that thought is to quickly turn our eyes upon Jesus and think upon Him, because that is what is going to get rid of that thought. It’s a true thing, it works. I praise God it is a reality. May God bless us, is my prayer.


Comments (2)

  • Reply Suzette Fisher - 26/01/2017

    Thank you ,for this profound reading.It was well received.Continue to be used by God.

    Sent from my iPhone

    • Reply le traducteur - 27/01/2017

      Praise the Lord. God bless you Sr Suzette.

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